CEOExpress® About the Company
CEOExpress Company LLC was founded in 1998 by Patricia Pomerleau. In January 1999, privately held CEOExpress Company LLC launched its first online desktop, is designed to be the best executive assistant imaginable, providing a tool that users would have created themselves if they had the time. CEOExpress filters and organizes the content executives need, while adding features that make their lives even more streamlined and efficient.
The Company’s private-label portal service, CEOExpress Corporate, provides companies and organizations with custom portals that are maintained and hosted by CEOExpress. CEOExpress Corporate saves companies expensive development and maintenance overhead, and the content management system allows them to provide custom, branded information that is always up-to-date.
CEOExpress Company has been featured in many of the world’s most influential business magazines including Fortune, Bloomberg, Business Week, Fast Company, Wired and Forbes, where it was named among the "Best of the Web."
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