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New York Times - Front PageJun 07, 2016
Light Sentence for Brock Turner in Stanford Rape Case Draws Outrage
In court, the victim denounced her attacker''s six-month sentence, while the attacker''s father complained that his son''s life had been ruined for '20 minutes of action.'

New York Times - Front PageJun 06, 2016
Supreme Court to Hear Two Death Penalty Cases
The justices will consider the roles race and intellectual disability may play in capital prosecutions.

CNN USJun 06, 2016
No charges against boy's mom in gorilla case
Will the drama surrounding Harambe's death come to an end, or is this just the beginning?Popular: Radical Islam in America | Graham Opposes Republican Leader | Guns in America

No criminal charges for mother in Cincinnati gorilla death case (Washington Post Nation)

Washington Post NationJun 06, 2016
Prosecutor on gorilla case: 'A 3-year-old can scamper off very quickly'
The mom whose child fell into a gorilla enclosure at a Cincinnati zoo will not be charged with a crime, Hamilton County prosecutor Joseph T. Deters said on June 6.

MSNBC US NewsJun 06, 2016
Van Driver in Freddie Gray Case Opts for Bench Trial
Caesar Goodson, the police van driver in the Freddie Gray case, opted for a bench trial on Monday in the high stakes and racially charged case.
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